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"Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict

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"Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict Empty "Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict

Post by Shabster Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:13 pm

Edit 2: I have changed the title of this thread from "Announcement: Many Events Lately Have Not Counted" to the current title. This is because the problem of fake event hosting is not very apparent at all anymore, but a new problem has emerged. People seem to be scared of hosting events in case they'll screw up and get punished for it. But the rule is not strict at all anymore, so there is nothing to worry about. Please skip down to my December 7th post.

As you know, our clan really likes to take notice and rank people who make the clan stronger with participation and enthusiasm. You also know that for something to count as a real event, a bronze star has to be present (a real event is one that rewards attendees with credit towards a rank). However, what I don't think a lot of people realize is the fact that many bronze stars have not been submitting the attendance for their "events" that they host. This means that many people see that an "event" is being hosted, and are eager to participate and gain credit towards a rank, and put their trust in the bronze star to notify me of the attendance; then, the bronze star doesn't do it and the attendee unfairly gets zero recognition from the clan system. I have lots of responsibility in keeping track of the information of 100+ people, and I'm fine with that because it's fun to keep track of. But what I don't have room for is babysitting everyone else into doing their part. So it's time to add a couple rules that will clear up this situation.

First, you should know that the current definition of an event is basically: "A gathering of three or more clanmates for the purpose of doing something". You may be wondering, "Is there a rule which says bronze stars have to submit attendance every time they get a few people together?" The answer is no. The reason why there's no rule like this is because we don't want to add an artificial aspect to casual hangouts by forcing someone to record who came; it would just be too strict to force attendance recording for very casual stuff. In the past, there weren't as many on-the-spot events started by lower ranks, and the ones that were started weren't as hype as the ones of today. But nowadays, a lot of these casual bossing "events" generate a lot of attention, to the point where they consistently rival scheduled events in size. Since the clan system gives greater reward for event attendees the greater hype the event has, it's unacceptable for people not to be rewarded for attending hyped up on-the-spot events if they are called events. Taking everything into account, I've decided that I will at least make the following rules:

1. From now on, the definition of an event will be: "A gathering of three or more clanmates for the purpose of doing something, that has a bronze star present who records the attendance".

2. Hosters of get-togethers may not call it an "event" unless they plan on recording the attendance. If you're a bronze star and want to start a get-together such as bossing or a hangout, but you don't feel like recording attendance, then that's fine, but you must avoid calling it an event, so that people don't get false hope that it will help with their rank.

3. All scheduled events that are put on the Events page of the site especially must have the attendance recorded, as these events are the biggest deal.

Negative action will not be taken against people who violate these rules until they are posted in the soon-to-be "Clan System Rules" page on the site; it's not fair to enforce rules that one can't reference. I hope to create a clan environment that both isn't strict and swiftly rewards people who deserve it, and I think these rules will push us even farther towards that. Under these new rules, bronze stars will still be allowed the freedom to not have strictness "interfere" with casual hangouts, but won't be able to give people false hope that unofficial get-togethers will count towards people's rank.

Last edited by Shabster on Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:59 am; edited 6 times in total
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon

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"Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict Empty Re: "Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict

Post by Shabster Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:54 pm

I have posted a rule which punishes fake event hosting to this new page on the site:

I will begin enforcing this. A big benefit of this rule is that it will keep bronze stars honest, which in theory will make the public trust their events more, and boost attendance. This will help combat the allegations that bronze stars have a disadvantage in event hosting compared to silver and gold stars; if people trust bronze stars' events, then I bet bronze stars will have an easier time having good turnouts.
Blue Dragon
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"Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict Empty Re: "Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict

Post by Shabster Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:37 pm

There seems to be a bit of eventaphobia going around lately. Everyone seems to understand the definition of an event now, and I don't see people calling their casual get-togethers "events" when they don't take attendance. This is great, and it's a result of the fake event hosting rule. However I also noticed a downside to this rule being implemented, which has become apparent. People now seem to be too paranoid to host events. You guys love doing stuff in-game with other members, and I think you wish to make your in-game fun into real events, but you're afraid that you'll screw up and get banned for not hosting correctly. Sure, part of this is because people are too lazy to take attendance, but fear of the new rule may also be a big part of it. Because of this, I have now clarified in the official clan conduct rules that even if someone tries to host an event and doesn't do it correctly multiple times, they will not have any action taken against them beyond the first very temporary demotion, unless they are believed to be intentionally be breaking the rule (which there is almost no reason why someone would do). So clan, don't be afraid to make your fun gatherings into real events. Unless you're intentionally trying to break clan rules, you will never be kicked, banned, or anything drastic for hosting an event. You have nothing to worry about. All you have to do to host an event is 1. Do something fun with at least 3 clanmates total, and 2. Write down a list of who goes and send it to me (forum PM is a great way). That's pretty much it. Should be nothing to worry about.

If you're interested in having the ability to add events to the site's event list, you can ask me for site editing powers! I can make it so people can only edit certain pages, which means I'm comfortable with letting any bronze star edit the events list page. Giving someone editing powers makes it easier for them to schedule events, because they won't have to ask a site editor to add stuff on the events page for them. Just give me a Gmail email of yours and I can let you edit that page.
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon

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"Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict Empty Re: "Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict

Post by Shabster Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:56 am

UPDATE to the rule (reflected on site): I have now made it so that people will only get temporarily demoted for fake event hosting IF they are offline when the offense is realized and therefore can't be told how to properly use their bronze star rank powers. Guys, the rule isn't even strict in the slightest anymore. It's now just to ensure that people don't have rank powers that they don't know how to use. Nothing bad can happen to someone who accidentally doesn't host an event etc. correctly; the only way something bad will happen is if one is intentionally trying to break the rules and we know it. So don't be afraid to start fun with the clan! And don't be afraid to schedule your own events too!
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon

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Age : 29
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"Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict Empty Re: "Fake Event Hosting" Rule - Now not needlessly strict

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